Hello Dolly and Red Starbursts

Today was a loooooong day. I'm wrapping up work on a contract gig I've been working on since February, so I'm kind of burnt out and ready for something new. Tomorrow should be my last day on that project, so I'm really looking forward to taking a few days off! My hair needs some serious TLC, and I should probably clean my house. Eeek! Anyway, onto the real reason you're here. Omg, ya'll, I have more polish for you guys today!

Surprised??? Yeah, didn't think so.

First off, let's start with the MAIL CALL!!!

From left: Pretty & Polished He is King, Cancer Moon, Tuesday Taurus (x2), KBShimmer Pixie Tears, and Simply Sweet.

I hope to be able to break into these bad boys soon. The swatches looked great on the nail wheels. I was hesitant about He is King because it has a lot of bar glitter, but I am glad I got it now because it really is pretty. Although, we'll see if it looks good with my freakishly white skin! Hah! I can't wait to see what Chelsea comes up with for Virgo, since, naturally, I'm a Virgo.

On to today's mani. Yesterday, I showed you guys my Pretty & Polished Cheer Camp mani. Today, I decided to be lazy and just add to it by using Pretty & Polished Hello Dolly as a topper. Hello Dolly is a pretty glitter top coat that has a clear base, silver holographic glitters, purple glitters, white glitters of various sizes, and giant hot pink hexes.

Oooooh... Ahhhhhh...

Do you see those giant hot pink hexes??? Yummy!

Sometimes when a polish has large glitters like Hello Dolly's, they are a pain in the butt to fish out. Often, the easiest trick is to flip your polish upside-down, roll it between your hands,and then place it upside-down on a table for a few minutes before you start your mani. However, if that doesn't work, you can always use a toothpick to dig them out. I prefer the upside-down method, but it doesn't work on every polish. Luckily, it worked great on Hello Dolly!

Notice how I didn't get a hex on my thumb?

Hello Dolly looked great over Cheer Camp. The lightness of Cheer Camp contrasted nicely with the shiny holo and crisp colors of Hello Dolly.

This is definitely a polish you'll need to use Gelous on before your top coat. It is quite bumpy without a little extra help. All in all, I really like this polish. The holo glitters reflected onto my steering wheel on my drive into work this morning, and I seriously love that! It also looks fantastic over both light and dark purples. Definitely try to get your hands on this the next time Pretty & Polish restocks! You can find her store here.

As a side note, today I discovered one of the most amazing things I think I've ever seen...


My mind? Consider it blown. I detest digging through the yellows, purples, greens, and oranges to get to the good stuff (i.e. anything pink or red). I bought these for my polish swaps/sales, but I may hoard them all for myself... My precious...

Do you like my terrible MS paint skills?

In case you're curious, yes. I'm a big old dork. I'm sure you understand.

What is your favorite Starburst flavor?
How do you extract wicked huge hexes from your favorite bottles of polish?

I may branch out into something totally different tomorrow instead of a mani post... You'll just have to check back and see! Have a great night, all!

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