
Tonight's post will be wicked quick... I apologize for any weird formatting as I'm writing this post up with the horrible blogger app. Anyway, I'm in the process of chopping off my nails, which I'm doing for a few reasons. Firstly, I'm trying to chop off as much of the previously damaged nail as possible. Secondly, I want to test out a new treatment I just received in a swap, Duri Cosmetics Rejuvacote. I've heard that this stuff works wonders, and my nails need a miracle... So, for the next 7 days at least I will have naked(ish) nails (this treatment without any color). I'll make sure to take pictures of before and after for you guys.

So, with that being said, I only have my week's haul to show you! This week is way atypical for me. An awesome new friend gifted me all of those minis when I swapped her for Candeo Sour Grapes. I also swapped for the Rejuvacote. Lastly, I purchased the Hares and Elevations with my monthly budget and for a weightloss goal gift. Granted, that was way before I realized how broke I was, lol! Anyway, I have plenty of nail mail to sate my need for pretties for a little while. ;)

What are your plans for the weekend?

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