Before & After: Attack of the B-Movie (Or, watch out for that preying mantis!)

Okay, so here's the thing.

When I got my Bundle Monster 'Create Your Own' plates, there was an image of a praying mantis. I, in my infinite goofiness, did not recognize it as such, and thought it was some sort of weird ant-grasshopper hybrid. Embarrassing, yes, but it stimulated my imagination.

When I was really young, they used to play these crazy B-movies on TV, and it seemed like in at least half of them, so crazy GINORMOUS critter that had been cross-bred by scientists/zapped by chemicals/exposed to nuclear waste crawled out of the ocean/mountains/forest/swamp and destroyed a city. If one of those movies didn't have a huge praying mantis, one most surely had some sort of huge grasshopper/ant/stick insect thing.

So I decided to do a tribute to those B movies, by creating one with a praying mantis that has been turned into a preying mantis...

I started with a base of China Glaze Grape Pop, another wonderful purple for Halloween purposes:

China Glaze Grape Pop, 2 coats, artificial light

Next I stamped on the skyscape and the praying mantis from Bundle Monster BM414 and BM417, using Barry M Silver Foil and Konad Black polish:


I have no funny praying mantis jokes...::sobs::

Oh noes!!! It's climbing up the building! It's eating the peoples! It's coming to get us all!! AAAHHHHRRRRGGGGGGG!!

::Ahem:: So what do you think? Does it take you back to all of those awesome Saturday afternoon creature features?

Here's hoping nobody eats your head off,

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