Naked November: Week 1 Progress Report

So, I'm here with an update on my progress with Naked November.  As you'll see from the photos below, it's slow going.  I've filed them down once already, and most of the really damaged bits are close to being completely gone.

However, my index finger started to peel at the free edge.  I think it's from the way I filed.  I used my glass file, but that doesn't guarantee that you won't get any peeling.  I was a bit rough with my filing as I was in a hurry, so I'm not surprised about the peeling.

Moisturizing has really been helpful.  I can tell the difference in the new growth of my nails as well as on the super damaged parts of my thumb.  I've been using my 365 Days of Color Hand Creams and switching it up with my cuticle balms/oils/creams.  I've also used a body scrub on my hands twice since starting the challenge and try to use my CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser when I wash my hands when I'm at home.

As for the polish free bit, I can say that I've been pretty successful!  I've put on three quick manis for photos, but they came off the minute the photos were taken.  Otherwise, I've been polish-free.  I will say that it's been really hard staying on the wagon.  I'm only 11 days in, and I'm dying here!  I can't wait until I can put on some of the amazing polishes I've gotten in the past few weeks.

So, are you participating?  How's it going so far?  Are you seeing an improvement?

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