Favorites: My favorite reds from 2012

Hello there!

I'm starting a new feature where I post groups of polish that I love, by different categories. I'll be doing my favorites of different colors, my favorites from different brands, etc. I'd love feedback on what you'd like to see--for example, one of my readers sent me feedback in my recent giveaway that they'd like to see more orange polishes, so my next installment of this feature will be my favorite oranges from 2012. So let me know what you want to see, either in the comments or on the facebook page. :)

I'm starting out with my favorite color: Red.

First, let me explain what I mean by 'my favorite Xs from 2012'. Around February/March of last year, I discovered nail stamping. I started buying plates and polishes, and the more I explored, of course the more polishes I found that I loved. I went from having about 40 bottles of polish to about 700 since then...so I went from knowing very few of the many beautiful polishes out there, to discovering many more of them. So when I say 'from 2012', what I mean is not polishes that came out in 2012--I mean polishes that I discovered and/or blogged about in 2012. When I get toward the middle/end of 2013, I will be able to post just about 2013 polishes, but there are just too many beauties I've discovered in my first year of blogging for me to separate them out too much--I'd drive both you and myself crazy! :)

Okay, enough explanation. now for the polishes! Here are some of my top favorite red polishes that I discovered in 2012. They're in no particular order, because it would kill me to try to rank-order them!

Barielle's Elle's Spell:

Barielle Elle's Spell

Dark red with fire-like flakies...who could ask for anything more? I also have a Layla that I think may be a dupe for this, so I'll do a comparison post, as this one is half the price of the Layla. But no matter what, this is a stunner on its own, and it's beautiful for nail art, too. :)

China Glaze Adventure Red-Y

China Glaze Adventure Red-Y
In addition to being possible the world's most perfect Christmas red creme, this has turned out to be incredibly versatile for nail art and as underwear for glitters. An all-around great player. :)

Orly Grave Mistake

Orly Grave Mistake
Another red creme, but this time a darker, more vampy red. Perfect for when you want to feel a little extra sexy, or the perfect compliment for that black power suit. It makes a bold statement.

Orly Smolder
Orly Smolder
And now on to some shimmers. A second Orly, also a darker, more vampy red. Perfect for date night or  date night night, with lots of shiny, shimmery depth. Catches your eye and keeps it!

Zoya Elisa

This polish is so stunning, I forgot to clean up my cuticles. This is the shimmer version of the perfect Christmas red; it can be sexy but it can also play nicely with fun nail art for Christmas designs or other sorts of fun things. Seriously, look at the glowy-ness of that shimmer. Doesn't that just make your heart sing?? I bought this on an off-chance that I'd like it, almost didn't buy it, and I'm so glad I did. :)

Jade Vermelho Surreal

Jade Vermelho Surreal

Dark. Red. Holo. Nothing more needs to be said.

A'dor Beauty Supplies Tainted Love

A'dor Beauty Supplies Tainted Love

I just showed this a few days ago in some nail art, so wasn't sure if I should include it here. But the shade of red with those ember-like holographic glitters was just more than I could resist. It hypnotizes me and I love it...sigh.

InDecisive Sparkly Vampire

InDecisive Sparkly Vampire
Ah...a dark red jelly with sparkly black glitter to give it an extra kick of vamp. I feel sexy just holding this bottle of polish! It has that dark almost goth feel to it, but has amazing versatility. :)

Maya For Michelle

Maya For Michelle
And last but not least, a red creme with a shimmery magenta flash. I normally like my reds pure and reddy red red. But this just works somehow. Bold with a side of soft. :)

So there's my very first 'favorites' post...hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for checking it out.


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