Review: InDecisive Nail Lacquer; two classics. :)


Today I'm wrapping up my review series of InDecisive Nail Lacquer, with two of her classics (one sent to me for review, and one paid for with my own money). I'm sorry to see the series end, because I've had a blast playing with all of these polishes and presenting them to you. I hope you've enjoyed seeing them as much as I've enjoyed making the posts!

But let's get down to business. First I have Brick, a beautiful terracotta sort of reddish-orangish-brown, with a spray of teeny black hex glitter that looks like subtle flecks:

InDecisive Nail Lacquer Brick, indirect sunlight

InDecisive Nail Lacquer Brick, direct sunlight

This is two coats of Brick with one coat of Seche Vite. This polish is the perfect example of what I love about InDecisive Nail Lacquers. It's richly pigmented, with smooth, saturated color; it's also unique--I haven't even seen even that many colors similar to this, and certainly not this exact color. There is a little extra something (the black glitter) to make the polish that much more special, but it doesn't go overboard; I heard someone say once that the creative process is more often about knowing what to leave out than anything, and I agree with that. There is a line dividing subtlety and elegance from overdone that can be hard to balance, I think, and I believe Aleksandra does it very well. Also, the formula on this polish, as with her other polishes, is perfect. No running into my cuticles. No bald patches. Smooth, controlled, awesome. And I've never had any of her polishes take more than two coats to cover completely.

And now, it's time for a brief intermission. ::plays elevator music interlude.::

For your viewing pleasure, here is a picture of a hummingbird (yes, seriously, look closely at it) that was apparently very confused by my behavior as I was taking pictures of Brick. He (she?) flew less than a foot from my face, hovered there, and looked at me as if to say 'Hey, whatcha doin'?'. So I tried to smoothly turn my camera and get a picture of it--not too bad considering I had the camera on zoom macro for my nail shots, lol. :)

Curious hummingbird questioning my photography skillz

And since we've taken a moment to enter the world of wee beasties, here is what you'd see if you could see just beyond my hand out of shot while I'm taking my nail pictures (the ones I take with the grass as background, anyway): 

My darling puppy sniffing around as she tries to be patient with me until I finish that stupid stuff wif mah nails and remember my real purpose in life, which is, of course, to play with her.

And now, we return to our regularly scheduled programming. ::turns off elevator music::

As you knew I would, I have saved one of the best for last. This is Sugar, an exceptional silver holographic glitter polish; it's a clear base so packed with silver holographic glitter that people mistake it for being in a silver base:

InDecisive Nail Lacquer Sugar, direct sunlight

Hey, look! A puppy paw up in the right top corner

InDecisive Nail Lacquer; indoor artificial light

This is 2 coats (three on one nail cause I dinged it) with one coat of Seche Vite. As always, the formula is lovely and applies without any issues at all.

It's very important for me to stress that this is not a holographic topcoat--it's a holographic glitter polish. Do not buy this polish if you're looking to turn your new pretty blue polish into a pretty holographic blue polish. This polish is meant to be worn on its own, as any other full-coverage glitter polish. You have been warned! :)

However. I do like this as a holographic glitter topper as well (note, not as a holographic topcoat, but as a glitter topper). I was wearing Lush (another of her polishes) when this arrived, and I instantly put it on top. I did a skittle manicure with it that I'll show you another time, but for now, look at the difference between the nails that have it as a topper and those that don't--this is only one coat of Sugar:

InDecisive Nail Lacquer Sugar over Lush

When you use just one coat, you do get preservation of some of the color underneath, with the subtle sparkle of the small holographic silver glitter on top. I love this look--it's like China Glaze Fairy Dust turbo-charged and fired on high. :)

Both of these polishes can be found in the InDecisive Nail Lacquer Etsy shop, here. The sell for $9.50 for full-sized bottles and $5.75 for minis; they are three-free and not tested on animals.

If you missed the other three parts of this review, you can find them here:

Mermaid & Antique
Speckled Black, Speckled White, & Newspaper
Ichor polishes in black, red, blue, and purple

Also, I reviewed Lush, Sparkly Vampire, and Cosmic Bubbles several months ago, and you can find that review here:

Lush, Sparkly Vampire, & Cosmic Bubbles

And please don't forget to check out the giveaway InDecisive Nail Lacquer is sponsoring with me, which includes a limited edition polish made in collaboration with Lacquer Or Leave Her!:

End Of The Universe giveaway!

Thanks so much for reading! Hugs, love, and dreams of polish,

(Sugar was provided for my honest review. Brick was purchased with my own money.)

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