Nail Plate Size Comparison Chart


For ages, I've been promising to give you a post comparing the relative size of different nail plate images. I don't know why, but I keep having some mental block about it and keep forgetting to post it. So right now, while I'm thinking about it, before I can forget, I'm going to schedule it. :)

First, a wonderful, awesome, amazing fellow blogger made the job so much easier for me; she created these comparison charts and gave me permission to post them here. Please, if you like them, show her some love by visiting her blog by clicking here:

These give visual comparisons and centimeter measurements for most of the well-known nail-plate brands. You can use this in several ways:

1) Visual inspection: if you know that Konad will fit your nails, you can do a quick look to see which are the same size or larger.

2) If you know the length of your nails, you can find an image size here in centimeters that is long enough to cover.

3) If you're looking at a new brand and have the image size dimensions, you can look at this to see which it's closes to before buying.

There are three brands that I routinely review which aren't included here. One is LeaLac, and they have the biggest images in the business (that I've found so far). By my measurements, they are one inch square, which converts to 2.54 cm on each side! So you can see how much bigger that is even than Fun 1&2 shown above. The other brand is Drikk; these are 7/8th of an inch tall (2.22cm) and 6/8th of an inch wide (1.90cm). Finally, I have reviewed plates I got from Magno Nails (you can also find these other places, but I refer to them by that name since that's where I bought them), and they come in at 7/8ths tall (2.22cm) and 5/8th of an inch wide (approx. 1.60cm); so they are about the same size as the Nail Craze images, but a titch taller.

I hope this has been a help to you! Thanks for your patience waiting for so long for this while I continually forgot to post it. If there are any other brands that you have questions about let me know and I'll try to find out the information for you. :)

And thanks again to Posh Nail Art for the amazing chart!!!

Thanks for looking! Big hugs,

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