Game plans!

I don't know about you, but I always feel better when I have a goal in place and a plan to reach that goal.  This past weekend the hubs and I sat down and set up a monthly budget with goals for savings for emergencies and vacations.  My bank has a pretty kick ass online banking tool, so I was able to set up a goal through them that would either tell me how much money I need to save to hit a certain target by a certain date or how long it will take to hit the target amount when only depositing a certain amount per month.  I'm feeling pretty good right now!  Plus, I've pretty much gotten all of the prizes together for the holiday giveaway.  I can't wait for the rest to be delivered so I can let you guys in on the secret!  Until then, let's take a look at some polishes!  This is an oldie but goodie, Pahlish Train Underwater, since my nails are the nubbiest they've ever been...

This is three coats in the sunshine.  

Train Underwater is a navy blue based polish with navy blue, light blue, and fuchsia holo hexes and giant holo  hexes.

It applied really well, with the glitters spreading evenly, and the large hexes coming out easily.  Look at that color saturation!  This is one of my favorite polishes of all time and my all time favorite Pahlish.  It's pretty similar to a few other polishes I have, so I plan to do a comparison post sometime soon.  Maybe this week if you guys want!

You can purchase Pahlish at her Etsy store and Llarowe.  She restocks every Friday night on her Etsy store, which is cheaper with faster shipping.  Nothing against Llarowe or anything, but just sayin.  Check out her Facebook and Twitter for updates on restocks and new collections.

What's the last goal you've planned that you were truly excited to reach?

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