Oldie but Goodie: Toxic Avenger!

I'm EXHAUSTED!  I just took on a contract gig to help pay for Christmas and other bills since my firm is still slow going, so I'm going to be very busy for the next three to four weeks.  I'm hoping to average 50-60 billable hours a week so I can make enough money that I won't have to take on more contract work again for a very long time.  I apologize in advance if my posting is a bit sporadic for the next few weeks.  You may be seeing several very oldie but goodies as well since I won't have as much time to change my polish.

Today, since I didn't have much time to take photos and edit them, I'll show you one of my favorite oldie but goodie polishes: Dollish Polish Toxic Avenger!  I purchased this mini when Dolly brought it back as the mystery shade, and I'm so glad I snagged it!  I'm trying to ration it since I only have the mini bottle and it's no longer available.  I took these photos while on vacation this summer in Asheville for my wedding anniversary, so you'll see a little tip wear.  This is actually 3 days into the mani, so you can see that it's holding up really well, especially for a holo!  It applied much more easily than normal holos without dragging or clumping.  The  first three photos are with my normal settings.  The last photo is with my super vivid setting so you can see the multichrome flash as well as the holo rainbow.  This polish is one of a kind, and if it ever comes back everyone should get it!  Ok, time for some polish spam!

Even though you can't purchase Toxic Avenger anymore, you can still purchase other Dollish Polishes from her store, Llarowe, and Overall Beauty.  Follow Dolly on Facebook for updates.

Out of your stash, what's your favorite discontinued polish?

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