Seven Deadly Sins Tag!

Back when we did the Seven Deadly Sins for Polish Days, Lariesa of Me, Myself, and Polish did a fun post that included a Seven Deadly Sins tag, and welcomed other bloggers to use the tag if they wanted to; you can see her original post by clicking here.  It has taken me a while to get it scheduled in, but I finally have it!

1.  GREED: What is your most expensive nail polish and what is your most inexpensive nail polish?
 Well, my most expensive nail polish is China Glaze L8R G8R, which goes for about $40 on eBay. However, I was lucky enough to find it in a dusty hunt for $5. :)

Most inexpensive: I have a ton of polishes that I paid nothing for. Most of these are Wet n Wild or Sinful Colors; for example, there are often $1 off Wet n Wild coupons in the newspaper, and I wait until they go on sale for $1 each. Then I pounce with my coupons and go to town, lol! I also am a huge bargain hunter and take full advantage of Sally Beauty red tag sales + coupons. The only thing more awesome than a pretty polish is the same polish for free or really cheap, I say! It takes a while, but now you know part of the secret to how I've managed to build up my stash. :)

2.  WRATH: What nail polish do you have a love/hate relationship with?
Butter London Wallis. I adore the color of this polish, but for some reason Butter Londons don't get on well with my body chemistry and it's a fight to get it to look anything but ragged. Well worth the fight, but still.

3.  GLUTTONY: What nail polish brand makes up the biggest chunk of your collection?China Glaze. This is my go-to brand because they have an amazing selection, are on top of most trends, have an incredible formula (most of the time--there are exceptions) and they are very affordable. It also helps that I can usually get China Glaze for $3 or less, often a lot less during Sally's red tag sales. And, they're cruelty-free!! What more can a girl ask?!

4.  SLOTH: What nail care product do you neglect due to laziness?
Full routine manicures. Between work and keeping up with challenges, I skip taking the time to do a full, routine manicure as often as I should. 

5.  PRIDE:  Which manicure are you the most proud of?
Probably my Inspiration Sunrise manicure. It may not be my best manicure, but it was a huge achievement for me at the time, and was the first moment I felt like I could actually produce manicures other than just simple stamped manicures. You can see it here. :)

6.  LUST: Which nail polish is at the top of your wish list? many...but the one that I want but will never have is OPI La Boheme. First of all, it is way too expensive. Second of all, OPI isn't cruelty-free. I really, really, really wish OPI was cruelty-free!! Hopefully someday, and hopefully sooner rather than later.

7.  ENVY: What do you see other nail bloggers doing that you wish you could do?
Water marble with ease. When I tried it I was hopeless, plus I can't deal with the mess. >.<

Thanks for reading! What are your Seven Deadly polish sins? If you do the tag, please let me know  by linking in the comments, I'd love to see! So yes, this is an exception to the no-links-please rule. Feel free to link it so I can come read! :)

Big hugs,

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