Before & After: Tri-color challenge April


You may remember that in my Crumpet's Nail Tarts group, we're doing a thing called the Tri-Polish Challenge for the next few months. This challenge works a bit differently; each month, we are given three colors, and have to choose a polish to represent each color. Then we have to make 4 manicures; three of these manicures must use two of the colors, and one must use all three. We are allowed to use toppers and black, white, silver and gold if needed, as well.

I almost didn't participate this month; the colors are pink, orange and turquoise (not blue). You know I don't have many pinks, so that already makes it tough, but I thought I didn't have a turquoise. But then the other day when I was going through my favorite blues, I realized that I *do* have a turquoise--Zoya Zuzu! So I got all kinds of excited and picked out an orange to complete the trio. Sitting in my untrieds was the the lovely LeChat Kiss-N-Tell, so I decided to go with that. And since I just got Julep Avery in my Julep box this month, I figured that would be perfect.

Yeah, so, well, see, there are problems.

Both Julep Avery and Zoya Zuza look like they should stamp well, but they kind of don' least not with one another. LeChat Kiss-N-Tell doesn't even pretend it's gonna stamp--it's pretty sheer. So this is going to add a different dimension of difficulty for me--one level of difficulty is colors I normally wouldn't use, second level is colors I wouldn't normally combine, and third is severely limited stamping abilities. Hmmm.

Challenge. Accepted.

For today's mani, I started with a base of Kiss-N-Tell, a bright, squishy neon orange jelly:

LeChat Kiss-N-Tell

The first thing I tried was to stamp on this with Julep Avery--I thought it would look pretty to have some pink flowers against the orange base. I still believe that...but the stamping didn't show. Sigh.

So, I fell back on my ability to incorporate white into the manicure, and stamped with Konad white, using Konad plate m64. Then using my dotting tool, I put white dots around the flowers; when that was dry, I put dots of Avery on top of the white dots, so the pink would show:

I used to have a skort similar to this--it was white with the pattern printed in orange and pink, in almost these exact shades. I think I might have it somewhere...Maybe I need to dig it out!

BTW, if you've read this far, keep reading--I have a bit of news. :) Today I reached 600 followers combined on GFC and on Bloglovin'!! I figure there is some overlap, so I estimate that puts me at about 500 unique followers. That means it's time for a giveaway!! I'm going to time the giveaway to coincide in some way with my one-year blogiversary, which is coming up on the 20th. So stay tuned for that!!

Thanks for taking a look...:) Please check out the other manicures in the challenge, linked below. :)

Big hugs and much love,

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