Journey to a Nail Tech...It Begins

Two years of blogging and talking about nails and polish and nail art and cuticles and all that jazz that accompanies it has finally driven me to start toward a license as a nail technician.

I'm excited, a little nervous, and ready to start learning. There's so much I don't know, and so much I want to learn. It's all the beginning to what I dream to one day own nail business.

I've decided to try and make this journey a learning experience for others as well, and I hope to have weekly updates on the experience. It's a long experience though (6-8 months for the program I decided on), so we'll see where the road travels.

I'll be taking night classes, so I can continue to work full time and raise the funds necessary to attend. It's a pricey school, but everything sounds worth it. The total cost of tuition is $7235. That'll sound outrageous to some of you, as I've heard of schools costing a mere $500. Long's Peak Academy seems like the best fit for me right now though, and I've worked out my finances to ensure I can attend without going under.

There are some sacrifices to make (Saturdays begin with 8.5 hours of school now and skiing may be out of the question this season), both for me and my loved ones, but I've gotten nothing but support so far.

Read up on my experiences as they go with my new tag, #nailtechnailedit on Twitter and Instagram. All the posts here at Nailed It will be tagged the same.

I welcome any questions, advice, or support you have to offer! Maybe I'll set up a fund raiser event to really kick it off properly too.

Thank you all for your support and love, and for making this whole thing happen!

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