Before & After: Bridge over troubled waters


Today is the day when I show you one of my most lusted after lemmings...something I waited ages to get hoping it would go on sale...and finally just bought because I couldn't stand waiting any more! What is the wondrous magical potion of polish, you ask?

None other than Pahlish's Toxic and Timeless. This is a green-leaning teal jelly filled with blue, green, and gold glitters of the hex and bar variety. Here is two coats, with an impressively accommodating formula:

Pahlish Toxic and Timeless, artificial light

Pahlish Toxic And Timeless, indirect sunlight

When I look at this, it's like staring into a pond filled with beautiful, toxic sludge that's crisp and bright despite being deadly. It's like what a toxic lagoon would look like in Candyland, or in Willy Wonka's world. And what does a pond like that need? Something equally beautiful that allows you to walk over it safely.

So I decided to make just such a bridge for it, with silver glequins, microbeads, and rhinestones as my stepping stones:

Sail on silver girl

Sail on by 

Your time has come to shine

All your dreams are on their way

This is not a manicure for people afraid of bling! This is not a manicure for people afraid of glitter! But somehow, adding more blingy glittery goodness doesn't make this more ostentatious, it seems to pull together, at least in my mind. I love it. :)

Thanks for looking! And Happy Friday!

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