Black and White Glitter Resource

Courtesy of TKB Trading
Thanks to parafrog's post, I've found the source of their power! The source of the most sought-after black and white glitters. Those beautiful pieces of glitter ranging from square, to hexagonal, to diamond. (Also, gold, but that's not what most people are excited about.) I've heard of some bloggers keeping the source of their products a secret, and in fact telling girls who ask them they can't share the information. Well nuts to that. The internet's a big place, so I'm sure girls would've found out eventually. I just want to aid them in their quest to create their own awesome frankens without trying to time the sales perfectly.

Find black and white glitters at TKB Trading. They're currently out of larger sizes, but you can grab sample sizes of them all in multiple quantities for just $1.50. parafrog said that just one sample size of each was plenty to fill her bottle of homemade Connect the Dots.

So go! Buy them now! Share this information with your friends and start making some really beautiful and unique polishes! And thank you SO much to parafrog for being so willing to share her finds with those of us dying to know where they come from. Here's to hoping TKB gets a massive stock of some great colors.

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