Review: Cheeky Jumbo plate 3, European Romance!


I'm baaaack with the third Cheeky Jumbo plate, and the theme of this one is 'European Romance'. Hey, I dream of Europe and I'm down with any sort of romance, so let's have at it!

In case you missed the general description in the first two reviews, this is a series of 10 Jumbo plates put out a short time ago. Most of the plates in the series are divided so that about one-third of the plate is small, individual images, and about two-thirds are full-nail (I call them 'overall') images. Each plate has a theme; the first plate was Viva Mexico, and the second was Tropical Holiday.

As usual, I have a dorky video where I show the images and show a stamping test of them. I hereby welcome you to laugh at my dorkiness if you are so inclined:

If you prefer your dorkiness a bit more on the subtle side, here are stills of the plate. I did take pictures that overlap some images; there are no overlapping images on the actual plate: 

Love the Russian architecture and the pizza oven (once I figured out what it is)


I love Paris in the springtime...or anytime, for that matter
You don't stamp Soviet Russia. Soviet Russia stamps YOU.
How cute is that pasta image, lol!

I don't know what that image on the bottom left is, but I loves it

I love all of these, and remain confident I will find a reason to use the pea-pod one...

Flourishes and fancies galore--I'm in mah happy place. :)

A les enfants de la pate fois gras (sorry, I couldn't resist--old, old, old European Vacation reference)

I must admit that I'm kinda loving the old-fashioned bicycles. :)


I love that this series has a lot of geometric images that I've never seen before. :)

And last but not least, here is a size comparison to a standard Konad plate, to give you an idea how big these images are. If you have any of the Cheeky Jumbo alphabet plates (A, B, etc.), these are the same size as those images:

Cheeky Jumbo 3 vs. Konad

As you can see, these images are a bit larger than the Konad images, but not as big as plates like LeaLac and Drikk.

I have to admit that this is one of my favorites in the series (probably no surprise there!). Lots of elegant flourish-y images, and lots of fun geometrics that are new and different. The engraving is good quality, and the plate stamps well (you can see my tests in the video).

I bought mine through Amazon, and when I checked, the price for the individual plates was $9.49 each (cheaper if you buy them in the bundles). Great images, great price!

I'll be back shortly with Cheeky Jumbo plate 4. :)

Big hugs,

(The plate reviewed in this post was purchased with my own money.)

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