Before & After: For Jane


Okay, Jane, you asked to see this, so don't blame me...>.>

Seriously, though, it's not that bad. It just doesn't match what I had in  my head...okay maybe I"m getting ahead of myself here...let's rewind. ::rrrrweerrrrpppp::

In a comment on a previous post, my dear friend Jane asked to see this manicure I did in the course of playing with textured polishes and nail art. I started with the lovely Zoya Chyna, which is one of the most beautiful polishes I own, without a doubt; it makes my nails look like ruby-encrusted jewelry:

Zoya Chyna: textured polish perfection

Zoya Chyna, outside direct sunlight

So, for my nail art I wanted to do a saran-wrap background with stamping over it. I used the saran-wrap with Barry M Gold Foil, and I wasn't prepared for how much the texture would suck up the gold, so I got a bit more of a gold-heavy effect than I expected, and it covered up more of Chyna's goodness than I wanted it to. By the time I did the index finger, I tried to pull back a bit, but it was just too late for the look I was going for.

Next I stamped on the ring finger with Konad black and Bundle Monster BM11. I then stamped the same design over the black in gold, to get a layered effect. I added some studs running up the center to finish the look:

Is it horrible? No, it's not. It's okay, and I didn't feel like I had to rush to take it off or anything. It just wasn't what I had envisioned, which was a much more delicate sprinkling of gold, with Chyna shining through. Now what you see is the gold, with a teeny bit of red poking through, and that's just a sad thing to do to Chyna. So in my mind, this needs a lighter hand with the gold.

Moral of the story: go easy when using the saran-wrap method on textured polishes! You can always add more, but you can't take it away once you've glopped on too much. 

Thanks for looking. :)

Love and peace and hugs and stuff,

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