Indie-licious Review: Jindie Nails


Today I have a final Christmas Indie polish review for the season. I'll still be doing holiday manicures, of course! But my next Indie review won't be centered around holiday polishes.

I've ordered from Jindie Nails before, and have found the polishes to be of high quality; so when I stopped by to look at her holiday polishes and saw Grinch, I had to have it. I put it in my cart and came back later that day to buy it.

In the meantime, it had sold out completely.

Luckily for me, she had decided to make more, in order to satisfy all the people like me who didn't get it the first time--and she hustled and hustled so we could get it in time for Christmas. And I'm so glad, because Grinch just makes me happy, pure and simple. It captures the fun, whimsical colors and shapes from the classic show, and captures part of the storyline, too--in each bottle there is one black heart and several red hearts, to represent the Grinch's tiny black heart and its transformation to a larger-than-normal loving heart. These are not meant to be a part of every manicure, but are just a fun, thoughtful touch to surprise you one day when you least expect it. However, she will add in extras if you ask her to do so. :)

Grinch has an avocado-green crelly base, with a variety of red and white squares, and white and red bar glitters (and of course, the previously mentioned hearts):

Jindie Nails Grinch indirect light

Jindie Nails Grinch, direct sun

Jindie Nails indirect sun

In these pictures I'm wearing 3 thin coats of Grinch, plus a coat of Seche Vite. The formula is very nice, it applies well, and without having to struggle with the glitters. It didn't require extra topcoat from me; while it is a glitter, it isn't unusually thirsty. I love the contrast of the colors and the play of the shapes, and I can't wait to wear it again. If you missed it, I did some nail art with this polish; you can see it by clicking here.

The second polish I got on a whim...I wanted something with a clear base that I could use to Christmas-up any manicure I was wearing, so I decided to grab Just Elfing Around. JEA is a magical blend of green hexes, red hexes and squares, white hexes and squares, and holographic glitters. Because I'm wearing it over red here, the red glitters don't show up as well in the pictures as they did in real life, but you can still see them:

Jindie Nails Just Elfing Around, direct sunlight

Jindie Nails Just Elfing Around, indirect light

Jindie Nails Just Elfing around, indirect light

Angle shot to show the red glitters a bit better

The choices she made regarding this blend bring the glitters together in a fun, but not overpowering, way. There is enough sparkle and magic due to the silvery holographic glitters to make it blingy, and enough color and texture to make it visually interesting. In these pictures I'm wearing a dabbed gradient over a red holographic that I made by putting Literary Lacquers Greatest Treasures over China Glaze Adventure Red-y, and I love how it looks with the holographic! You know me, I hate to put anything over my holos, but I think this really worked well together, and shows how versatile this glitter is. Without a doubt, it's my go-to Christmas color glitter for nail art and topping. I also did some Christmas skittle nail art with this polish; you can see that manicure by clicking here.

You can find Jen's polishes here in her Etsy shop, although she is on vacation until after Christmas. Also, her polishes will soon be sold through Mei Mei's Signatures, Ninja Polish, and Llarowe, so she's revamping her business a bit right now and I don't want to quote prices for you since they may vary. But she'll be back very soon, and her polishes are definitely worth taking a look at!

Thanks for stopping by today. :)


(The polishes in this review were purchased with my own money.)

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