Stamping questions?

Hey there!

When you hear someone talk about nail stamping, do you break out in a sweat? Does your heart race at the thought of having to scrape polish correctly? Do you run screaming from the sight of a nail plate?

Fear not. Nail stamping is fun, and yes, it's actually easy with a little bit of guidance.

I'm going to put together a post with tips to help you get over your stamping fears and issues, and it would help me to know what sorts of issues you have with stamping. What have you struggled with in the past? What are your fears, if you've never tried it? What sort of stamping would you like to be able to do, but don't seem to be able to get right?

I'm by no means *the* expert on stamping, far from it, but I've been doing it for over a year now and I've picked up a few tricks of the trade along the way that I'd love to share them with you. So please let me know your stamping questions are in the comment section below; based on your questions and anything else I think will be useful, I'll put together a post or a series of posts (depending on how long it needs to be), to try to get you over those issues and on your way to stamping bliss. :)

Hugs and smooches!

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