Comparison Thursday: Purple Holos

Today's Comparison Thursday may look like one I've done before, but it's not...  If you're interested in checking out my comparison of lavender/lilac/light purple holos, you can do so here.  Tonight's purples, however, are more pigmented and true purples than the pale almost silver holos I compared before.  So, let's get to it!

Dollish Polish Waiting for my Mr. Big, Color Club Wild at Heart, China Glaze LOL, Color Club Eternal Beauty, Layla Ultra Violet, and Kelara I Love Lamp.

All six polishes are very pretty in their own right, but I wouldn't say that there are any exact duplicates in the bunch.  Eternal Beauty and Ultra Violet are close, but not exact duplicates.

Waiting for my Mr. Big

I don't really know why I added this one to the comparison.  It's pretty clear in the bottle that it's not a dupe of any of the rest of them.  It's much more pink than blue on the scale of purple compared to the rest.  And while it's pretty and unique, it also isn't super holoy.  The rainbow effect just doesn't live up to the standards of the rest.  Mr. Big has been discontinued, but you can find other Dollish Polishes on her site here, as well as multiple etailers.

Wild at Heart

Wild at Heart is definitely the deepest purple holo I own.  It's absolutely gorgeous with such deep pigmentation that it only requires a couple of coats for full opacity.  Application was alright with a slight bit of dragging and balding.  I didn't use my Nfu Oh Aqua Base because I wanted to see how these would all work over regular base coats.  The rainbow takes on a more red, pink, and purple vibe while not showcasing the other colors as much.  It's also a bit more scattered than the other holos in this comparison.  I found my Wild at Heart at a Salon, but I've also seen it at the Bed Bath and Beyond near me.


Ahhh, the much coveted LOL...  Application for LOL, as with all of the OMGs I own, was atrocious.  Second in horribleness only to Ultra Violet, which we'll get to in a moment.  You have to work hella fast and you can't go over spots you've already painted, otherwise you'll drag and bald in a big way.  The holo for LOL is probably the most linear of the bunch as China Glaze used a smaller holo particle than is used in any of the other purples I'm comparing tonight.  However, it definitely isn't the most in your face.  It's very pretty and the depth is nice, but it's not really my favorite.  If you're a collector, by all means, see if you can dusty yourself a bottle.  However, I don't think that they're worth the price tag some people have placed on them in sales groups and blog sales.

Eternal Beauty

So now we've finally come to my favorite.  The Color Club Halo Hues collection has got to be my absolute favorite collection ever made.  Ever.  And that's saying something!  The holo is the most in your face of the six polishes, and it's also quite linear.  The best part?  Application was amazing.  Not only did it go on smoothly despite the lack of an aqua base, but it also was easy to manage while I was applying.  It didn't drag, clump, or bald, which is a huge improvement over their old formula.  I purchased my bottle on Amazon, but some people are finding them in stores and even in the clearance bins of stores.  I've never seen one in the wild near me, so that's why I went the online route.

Ultra Violet

Hands down the worst polish of the bunch.  The holo is beautiful and almost as vibrant as Eternal Beauty, but the application was a nightmare.  Again, I didn't use an aqua base, so it's probably my fault, but this polish definitely isn't made for someone who is just starting out in the polish world.  It balds as easily as George Costanza loses his toupee after pissing off Elaine!

But really, it's a massive pain in the butt to work with.  As you can see, the color is almost the same shade as Eternal Beauty, but it's just a hair lighter.  They both have majorly intense holo pigmentation, but I can't help but come back to the application issues.  If I had to choose between the two, hands down the choice is Eternal Beauty.  I purchased this bottle from a friend at the request of a reader to compare it to Eternal Beauty, but you can purchase Layla holos at Ulta.

I Love Lamp

The last holo in this sextuplet of purple holos is Kelara's I Love Lamp.  It's on the lighter side, but still much darker than the pale purples I compared before.  It has a purple shimmer to it on top of the holo, which made it more difficult to capture the rainbow in my photos.  The rainbow is bright, but not nearly as bright as UV or Eternal Beauty.  Its application is also quite nice without any dragging, streaking, clumping, or balding.  You can purchase Kelara Lacquers at their online store.

My final verdict?  For the darks, I think I like LOL better than Wild at Heart, but it's not worth the cost.  For the lights, Eternal Beauty wins hands down.  I need to get a couple of backup bottles of that guy, stat!

So, what do you think?  Do you own any of these purple holos?  Which is your favorite and which could you do without?

*I was not financially compensated for this post.  All items in this review were purchased by me for my own use.  The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.  For more information, please see my Disclosure Policy in the tab above.*

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