NOTD: Mexico


Yesterday's theme in the CNT 33 Day Challenge was Mexico, and I'm a day late for it, but better late than never. :)

Because I'm in a mood for things like skulls and skeletons (or, skulleletons, as I like to call them), I figured the perfect way to honor Mexico was to do a Dia De Los Muertos manicure.

Make no mistake, I'm not claiming that Dia De Los Muertos is simply a version of Halloween. They do share some features, and possibly even some underlying ideas (Dia De Los Muertos celebrates departed loved ones and their return for a short time to our world by leaving food, drink and Sugar Skulls for them, while one theory about the origin of trick-or-treating argues that people believed spirits returned to this world on All Hallow's Eve, so people would leave food and drink for them outside of their homes), they are certainly different.

And I love them both. :)

For this mani, I started with a medium-dark gray polish that I frankened and named Bat Undies; I then did a double-stamp technique with grey and red polishes to create a layer of roses along the bottom of the nails (I used Winstonia 104 for this). Then I used BM 413 (what's this? A new Bundle Monster set? Yep, that's right--Bundle Monster just released their 'Create Your Own' set, and I haz it to show you!!) to stamp some awesome dancing skulleletons and a Sugar Skull on top, with Konad white. Finally, I stuck on two red studs for eyes, to give it a maniacally rockin' effect:

We can go where we want to; a place where they willl never find 

And we can act like we come from out of this world, leave the real one far behind.

 There you have it! Hope you like it as much as I do. :)

And since I'm almost certainly the last person to post my mani, please check out all the other participants linked below!

Hugs and love,

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