Before & After: Who doesn't love a 3D spider? Oh, wait...

...pretty much nobody likes a 3D spider, if it's alive, anyway! I'm an exception to that rule; except for poisonous spiders, I love spiders, because they get rid of all the other creepy crawlies that try to hang out in my house. For the most part, I live and let live when it comes to my eight-legged friends. :)

Today I'm merging two challenges that are occurring a week apart, and have decided to post the manicure in between the two. So that means that I'm extremely fashionably late for the one challenge, and fairly early for the other, lol. :)

The one I'm late for is the Crumpet's Nail Tarts 33 Day challenge theme of '3D'. I've been trying to make every challenge this month as Halloweeny as possible, so I decided to combine this with the Crumpet's Nail Tart's Halloween challenge theme of 'Spider/Webs'. And here is what I've come up with...

I started with China Glaze's Bump In The Night, one of the polishes in their 2013 Monster's Ball Halloween collection. This is a textured flat-black polish, and while I normally prefer the textured polishes that have a little bling in them, I think this is absolutely the perfect polish to have in a Halloween collection. It makes me think of the dirt in a cemetery at night, where you'd find a freshly dug (or dug up!) grave:

China Glaze Bump In The Night, one coat, artificial light

I wanted the polish to have more of a gloss than a flat-ish finish, so I added some Seche to it:

China Glaze Bump In The Night with Seche Vite, artificial light

Next, I stamped my webs. First I tried doing that with Konad Red and Bundle Monster BMH07, but the red didn't show up as vibrantly as I wanted it to. So I stamped again with Konad White, leaving the red in place for dimension and creepiness. :)

Next, I built my spider. I used a nail gem for the body, and a stud for his head; I used two black rhinestones for eyes and purple teardrop-shaped rhinestones for the legs. I had the legs splay over several fingers for maximum creepiness:

How do spiders communicate?

They use the World Wide Web!

Ha hahahahhahahaaa ha ha haaa

Well, at least I crack myself up...

So what do you think?? Is it ickily spookalicious?? It definitely creeps me out a bit looking at it...But if I were to do it again, I think I'd pick a different colored gem for the body portion. :)

Don't forget to check out the other 3D manis below, and tomorrow there will be some cool spider manis to check out, too! :)

Hugs and fly-free homes,

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