NOTD: eSheeps!

Hello there!

Do you guys remember the little eSheep that you could get from the web and download onto your computer, and it would open up a little sheep that would run around your desktop screen doing cute little things? It would eat flowers and wander, and sleep, and sneeze, and pee on stuff, and every once in a while its "black sheep" (visual pun) friend would show up. My favorite of all the animations was when, very rarely, an UFO would show up and abduct the sheep.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, you can see a little video of the cuties here:

I used to love those darned sheep so much I stopped being able to open them on my computer 'cause I'd just hang out waiting for the UFO to come. And their little sneezes were so cute I would just break out laughing. :)

So when considering what to do with the sheep image from Cheeky 43 for this week's twin post Cheeky challenge with Dina, I just had to try to recreate some of those little sheep animations in tribute. :)

I started with a base of Orly retrospect it wasn't the best color for this manicure, but I love the color and was in the mood to wear it. Then I decorated my heart out:

Starting with the pinkie, I recreated the peeing animation, with Sally Hansen Lightning and a dotting tool. On the ring finger I did the UFO animation, using the UFO from Cheeky plate CH45 and little rays coming down, both with Barry M Silver Foil. On the middle finger I stamped a black sheep and semi-filled it with a dotting tool. Fnally, on the index finger I recreated the little cascade of sheep that would appear when the sheep would fall off of a window and down the length of the screen, leaving a sheep trace as it went. I stamped the sheep with Konad Black and White special polishes.

This was such a fun manicure to make, and it was great to memorialize something I used to love so much. It almost made me download the eSheep again...but I have enough distractions these days that make it hard to work (I'm looking at you, dog and cats)!

Thanks for taking a look, And please don't forget to check out what Dina did with this image, by clicking here.


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